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SupportBelow are some of the common questions asked about Groovy Lava. Q: After installing Groovy Lava I get the message "Unable to access a direct 3D device - Changing your display colour resolution may resolve this problem". What does this mean ? A: The Groovy Lava display runs directly on your Windows desktop, however not all graphics cards allow direct access to their video memory when the Windows desktop is visible, and some only support it for certain colour depths. To change your display colour resolution, try the following: Close all Windows applications. Right click on the desktop and select 'Properties' from the menu that appears. The 'Display Properties' window should appear. Click on the 'Settings' tab. In the 'Colors' drop down list select a different colour depth such as High Colour (Thousands of colours -16 bit), or True Colour (Millions of colours - 24 or 32 bit). Click on 'OK' to apply the setting. Q: When I use Winamp - Groovy Lava automatically comes on. Is this correct ? A: If you said 'Yes' during the installation to install the Winamp plugin then, yes, this is correct. Groovy Lava doubles as a screen saver and as a Winamp visualization plugin. Q: How do I stop Winamp from automatically running Groovy Lava ? A: To disable the Groovy Lava 'Lava Plug' visualisation plugin, run Winamp and type <ctrl-p> - this will bring up the Winamp Options screen, click on 'plug-ins' in the index on the left hand side of the Winamp preferences window - this should bring up the 'Plug-in settings' information on the right hand side. Towards the bottom un-check the 'Auto execute visualization plug-in on play' option. You could also select another visualization, but this is not recommended ? :-) Q: I have Winamp3 installed but Groovy Lava says "Winamp does not appear to be installed on this system". What's going on ? A: Winamp3 is not fully supported by Groovy Lava at this point in time - however check out the Winamp3 Visualization Plug-In Manager by Ryan Geiss at: www.winamp.com/components3/detail.jhtml?componentId=122130 You must have Winamp2 installed along with Winamp3 to use the Plug-In Manager and Groovy Lava. Groovy Lava is fully compatible with Winamp 2.80. Q: When I try to install Groovy Lava I get the message "Error Starting Program: A required .DLL file, MSVCRT.DLL was not found". Where do I get this file and why is this happening ? A: You are probably running an early version of Windows 95 and you have not installed DirectX 8.0. Try installing DirectX 8.0 first before installing Groovy Lava. Q: What is a .glv file ? A: A .glv or GLV file is a cellular automation definition file specific only to Groovy Lava. This is the default file extension of the 'life forms' you save within Groovy Lava. |
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